Instruction of REFINE Plotter Driver 816 You should find REFINE CUTTING PLOTTER at the end of installation. Please always select Still installing if there is any interface reminding you during installation. 13 Select Do not share this printer, then, Select Next Instruction of REFINE Plotter Driver 714 Select No, then, Next 15 Select Finish. NoteYou should not find this reminding if there is no other printer. Instruction of REFINE Plotter Driver 612 If you want to use this printer as the default printer, please choose Yes, then select next. Select Have Disk Instruction of REFINE Plotter Driver 4Select Browse Find REFINEplotter.inf file, then, select Open Select OK Instruction of REFINE Plotter Driver 5 You should find: REFINE CUTTING PLOTTER, then, select Next NoteIf you have installed this plotter driver before, you should find following Reminding: 11 Please choose: Replace existing driver. You should choose Next You should choose Local printer and then, select Next Instruction of REFINE Plotter Driver 3 You should choose the port which your cutting plotter are using, then, select Next. REFINE CUTTING PLOTTER DRIVER SET-UP (Windows 2000 for example) Please select: Start-Settings-Printers Instruction of REFINE Plotter Driver 2Please select Add printer. Instruction of REFINE Plotter Driver 1INSTRUCTION of REFINE PLOTTER DRIVER 1. Installing LIYU ( Yasen CP24 ) Cutter Plotter Driver - YouTube.On software, it is run in the WOW64 mode when the 64-bits Windows OS is. On driver and software, the Macintosh OS is not supported exclude the Cutting Master 2 plug-in software. On driver and software, the language is in English. On driver and software, the file is compressed in the ZIP format. Herein you can select some popular paper size for LIYU plotter at your demand. 【NOTE】Some software in Vector can not distinguish the paper size completely custom. Instruction of LIYU Plotter Driver 19 Please select LIYU CUTTING PLOTTER from the listed device, then click on “Properties”.

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